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1.This is Nadir's house.
Haza baithu Nadir.
2. The father is in the sitting room.
AL Abu fee ghurfatil juloos.
3. The mother is in the kitchen.
AL Ummu fil mathbakh.
4. The grand father is in the library.
AL Jaddu fee ghurfathil maktabah.
5. The grand mother is in the garden.
AL Jaddatu fil Hadeeqati.
6. Nadir is swimming in the pool.
Nadir Yasbahu fil masbahi.
7. Nadir's sister is playing in the swing.
Ukhthu Nadir tal 'abu bil Arjoohati.
1) Eleven - Ahada Ashra
2) Twelve - Isnaa Ashara
1) Rose flower
- ( Waradah)
2) Fountain - (Naafoorah )
3) Trees - (Ashjaar)
4) Beautiful garden - (Al Hadeeqatu jameela)
5) That is a boy - (Dhaalika Walad)
6) That is a girl - (Thilka bint)
7) The ball is in the middle of the play ground - (Al kurrtu fee wasatul malab)
8) There is a car - ( Hunaaka Sayyarah )
9) Amal is cutting the Rose flower - ( Amal taqtifu Waradatha)
10) The boy is between the lion and the tiger - (Al waladu Bainal Asad Wal Nimr)
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Exercise 3
Dialogue ( Hiwaar )
Picture - 1
Boy 1 : The garden of our house is wide.
( Hadeeqatu baituna waasiatun )
Girl : Look : Lemon trees and orange trees.
( Unzur : Ashjaar Al-Leimoon Wal Buthaqaal )
Picture - 2
Boy 1 : That is a small play ground.
( Zalika Malab Sagheer )
Girl : And that is a beautiful swing.
(Wa thilka Arjoohatun Jameelatun )
Picture - 3
Boy 2 : Where is the fountain?
( Aina an-nafoora)
Boy 1 : In the middle of the garden.
( Fee wasat il-hadeeqa )
Girl : I am going to cut a red rose (flower).
( As aqtifu waradatan Hamraa )
Picture - 4
Boy 2 : Where is the swimming pool?
( Ain Al-masbah )
Boy 1 : There between the trees.
( Hunaaka bain al-ashjaar )
Girl : Come, we can swim in the swimming pool.
( Tha'alee nasbahu fil masbah )
Boy 2 : Come, let us play in the swing.
(Tha'alee naL-abu bil Arjooha )
Exercise 4
New Method (Tarakeeb Al jadeedata )
ذلك ملعب صغير.
Zaalika malabun sagheerun.
That is a small play ground.
تعال نلعب في الملعب
Taál Nalabu fil malaáb.
Come, let us play in the playground.
تلك أرجوحة جميلة
Thilka arjoohah jameelah.
That is a beautiful Swing.
تعالي نلعب في الأرجوحة .
Taalee Nalabu fil arjoohah.
("Taalee" when addressed to a feminine person)
Come let us play in the swing.
ذلك مسبح كبير.
Zaalika Masbahun Kabeerun
That is a small play ground.
تعال نسبح في المسبح
Taál Nasbah fil Masbah.
Come, let us swim in the swimming pool.
تلك حديقة واسعة
Thilka Hadeeqatun waasiatun.
That is a wide ( to mean spacious) garden.
تعالي نلعب في الحديقة .
Taalee Nalabu fil Hadeeqah.
Come let us play in the garden.
Exercise 6
Listen and make out the difference between ( ح ) and ( خ ):
If the given word depends on the sound of ( ح ) then write ( ح ) in the given box.
If the given word depends on the sound of ( خ ) then write ( خ ) in the given box.
Garden - حديقة - (Hadeeqah) - Answer - ح
Tent - خيمة -(Khaimah) - Answer - خ
Kitchen - مطبخ - ( Mathbakh ) - Answer - خ
Watermelon - بطيخة - (Bittekhah) - Answer - خ
Seesaw - أرجوحة - ( Arjooha ) - Answer - ح
Swimming pool - مسبح - ( Masbah ) - Answer - ح
Exercise 7
Read and understand:
Write the number of the picture in the box provided for each sentence.
Sentence 1) ------- Answer in box is picture no. 4
( Arabic Text: ذلك مسبح جميل )
(Read as: Zalika Masbahun jameelun )
(Meaning: It's a beautiful swimming pool)
Sentence 2) ------- Answer in the box is picture no. 3
( Arabic Text: نادر في المدرسة )
(Read as: Nadir Fil Madrasah )
(Meaning: It's a beautiful swimming pool)
Sentence 3) ------- Answer in box is picture no. 5
( Arabic Text : ( الولد يقطف وردة )
(Read as: Al-waladu yakthifu al-wardah )
(Meaning: The boy is plucking (cutting) the rose )
Sentence 4) ------- Answer in box is picture no. 2
( Arabic Text : ( طارق يسبح في المسبح )
(Read as: Taariq yasbahu fil masbah )
(Meaning: Taariq is swimming in the swimming pool )
Sentence 5) ------- Answer in box is picture no. 6
( Arabic Text : ( تلك بنت صغيرة )
(Read as: Tilka bint sagheeratun )
(Meaning: That girl is small )
Sentence 6) ------- Answer in box is picture no. 1
( Arabic Text : (الأسرة تجلس في وسط الحديقة )
(Read as: Al-usrathu Tajlisu fee wasath al-hadeeqah )
(Meaning: The family is sitting in the middle of the garden)
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Exercise 8
Read (Pronounce with stress on ح and خ )
Look at the pictures and pronouns the words:
1)Arabic text:خوخ
Read as:Khookh
2)Arabic text:حصان
Read as:Hisaan
3)Arabic text:صاروخ
Read as:Sarookh
4)Arabic text:لون أحمر
Read as:Laun Ahmar
Meaning:Red Colour
5)Arabic text:مصباح
Read as:Misbah
6)Arabic text:نخلة
Read as:Nakhlah
Meaning:Date Palm
Exercise 9
Complete the word with the missing alphabet, and fill in the blanks:
Missing Alphabet - ا (Alif)
- Fill in the blanks ( نادر في البيت )
( Nadir is in the house )
Missing Alphabet - د
- Fill in the blanks ( هذه وردة جميلة )
( This rose is beautiful )
Missing Alphabet - س
- Fill in the blanks ( هذا مسبح كبير )
( This swimming pool is large )
Missing Alphabet - ط
- Fill in the blanks ( طارق في الحديقة)
( Taariq is in the garden )
Missing Alphabet - م
- Fill in the blanks ( هذا مسبح صغير )
( This swimming pool is small )
Missing Alphabet - ع
- Fill in the blanks ( أين ملعب المدرسة؟ )
( Where is the school playground? )
Exercise 9 ( How to read added)
Fill up the left out spaces and write them to fill up the blanks:
The left out Alphabets and the sentences are as follows:
1) - ا
Sentence: نادر في البيت
Read as: Nadir Fil bait.
Meaning: Nadir is in the house.
2) - د
Sentence: هذه وردة جميلة
Read as: Haazihee waradah jameelah.
Meaning:This Rose is beautiful.
3) - س
Sentence: هذا مسبح كبير
Read as: Haazaa masbah kabeer.
Meaning: This swimming pool is big.
4) - ط
Sentence: طارق في الحديقة
Read as: Tariq fil Hadeeqah.
Meaning: Tariq is in the garden.
5) - م
Sentence: هذا مسبح صغير
Read as: Haazaa masbah sagheer.
Meaning: This swimming pool is small.
6) - ع
Sentence: أين ملعب المدرسة؟
Read as: Aina Mal-ab Al-Madrasah.
Meaning: Where is the school playground?
Exercise 10
Fill in the blanks
Sitting room - غرفة جلوس - Gurfah Juloos
Is swimming - يسبح - Yasbahu
Garden - حديقة - Hadeeqah
Dining room - غرفة الطعام - Gurfah at-taa'am
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