11 April 2015

Chapter 21 - Aladdin and the sea - Aladdin Wa Al - Bahr

Chapter 21

- Aladdin and the sea
- Aladdin Wa Al- Bahr

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Exercise 1 - Update Pending

Exercise 2 - Meanings

Meaning in English
This is a rich man
هذا رجل غني
This is a poor man
هذا رجل فقير
The boy is throwing a ball
يرمي  الولد  الكرة
The hunter is cutting the net
يجرّ الصيّاد الشبكة
The farmer is killing the snake
الفلاح يقتل ثعبان
The sun is appearing
الشمس يظهر
The sun is disappearing.
الشمس تختفي.

Exercise 3 - Update Pending

How to read Paragraph 1:

Alaa-ud-deen Saiyyadun faqeer.
Hamala Alaa-ud-deen Shabakatha-hu fis-sabaah.
Zahaba Alaa-ud-deen ilal Bahar.
Iq-tharaba Minal maai was ramaa ash-shabakatha li yastaadas-samaka.

Paragraph 1:

Aladdin was a poor fisherman. 

He carried a net in the morning.
He went to the sea.
He went close to the water and threw ( the net ) to catch fish.

How to read Paragraph 2:

Intazara Alaa-ud-deen was jarra Shabakatha.

Hiya Saqeelathun jiddan.
Fataha Alaa-ud-deen  Shabakatha Wanazara: Haazihee Qidrun Kabeerathun.
Mazaa fee haazihil Qidr?

Paragraph 2:
Aladdin waited for sometime and pulled the net. It was very heavy. He opened (released) the net and saw: “This is a huge pot. What is inside the pot.”

How to read Paragraph 3:

Fathaha Alaa-ud-deen Al-qidr.
Kharaja Dukhaanun Aswad wa Mala-as-Smaa.
Zahara Imlaaqun Dakh-mun wasat al-dukhaaan.
Khaafa Alaa-ud-deen wa saqitha Alaa al-Ardh.

Paragraph 3:

Aladdin opened the pot. Black smoke came out of the pot and filled the sky.A huge giant appeared from (within) the middle of the smoke. Aladdin got scared and fell on the ground.

How to read Paragraph 4:

Qaala Al-imlaaqu Li Alaa-ud-deen:Limazaa Fatahta al qidr? Sa aqtulaka al-Aan.
Qaala Alaa-ud-deen: Anta Imlaaqun Dakh-mun.Kaifa dakhalta fee haazihil Qidr is-sagheeri?
Dahiqa Al-imlaaqu wa dakhala Al-qidr.

Paragraph 4:
The giant told Aladdin: Why did you open the pot? I shall look you now. Aladdin said: “ You are a huge giant. How did you enter into this tiny pot”. The giant laughed and entered the pot.

How to read Paragraph 5:

Ighlaqa Alaa-ud-deen Al-qidr bi surah.
Samia Alaa-ud-deen Sauth Al-imlaaq:
Iftah Al-qidr.
Sa yuutheeka zahaban wa nuqoodan.
Wa sa Abni laka Qasaran jameelan.

Paragraph 5:

Alauddin quickly closed ( the lid of ) the pot. Aladdin heard the voice of the giant: “open the pot,I shall give you gold and cash. I shall build a beautiful palace.

How to read Paragraph 6
(Almost same as Paragraph 3):

Fathaha Alaa-ud-deen Al-qidr.
Kharaja Dukhaanun Aswad wa Mala-as-Smaa.
Zahara Al-imlaaq Al- Dakh-ma wasat al-dukhaaan.
Khaafa Alaa-ud-deen wa saqitha Alaa al-Ardh

Paragraph 6:( most sentences are repeated from paragraph 3)
Aladdin opened the pot. Black smoke came out of the pot and filled the sky. The huge giant appeared from (within) the middle of the smoke. Aladdin got scared and fell on the ground.

How to read Paragraph 7:

Qaala Al-imlaaq: Laa takhaf yaa Alaa-ud-deen.
Anta rajulun Tayyibun.
Irjiuu ilaa baitika al-aan.
Wa ikhtafaa Al-imlaaq khalfa  al-bahr.

Paragraph 7:

The giant told: “Don't be scared, O Aladdin. You are a noble man. Go back to your house”,(saying this) the giant disappeared behind the sea.

How to read Paragraph 8:

Raja-ä Alaa-ud-deen ilaa baitihi.
Aina Baitu Alaa-ud-deen?
Hunaa Qasrun Jameelun.
Fill qasri zahabun wa nuqoodun kaseerathun.
Alaa-ud-deen sayeedun, Huwa ghaneeyun al-aan.  

Paragraph 8:

Alauddin returned to his house.(Surprisingly) Where is Aladdin's house? There is a beautiful palace. In the palace there is a lot of gold and cash. Aladdin is happy, he is rich now.

( Please note that the translation is based on the presentation style of the Arabic original. The aim is only to help understand the essence of the text as may be required by a student.)

Exercise 4 -True or False
ضع علامة( correct )  أمام الجملة الصحيحة
ضع علامة( X )  أمام الجملة الخطأ   :
( Translation: Put (correct) in front of the correct sentence and put ( X ) in front of wrong sentence:)
1 - علاء الدين فلاح ( X )
( Translation: Aladdin  is a farmer)  

2 - يذهب علاء الدين  إلى البحر في الصباح ( correct )
( Translation: Aladdin  went the sea in the morning)

3 - خرج العملاق من القدر ( correct )
(Translation: The giant went out of the pot)

4 - خاف علاء الدين من العملاق ( correct )
(Translation: Aladdin was afraid of the giant)

5 - رجع العملاق  إلى البحر   ؟ ( X )
(Translation: The giant went back to the sea)

6 - علاء الدين  الآن الغني (  correct )
(Translation: Aladdin is now rich)

Exercise 5 - Question and Answers
اسأل وأجب :( Translation: Ask question and give answer.)
1 - Question - لماذا رمى الشبكة ؟
 '? Translation: Why did he throw the net

Answer -  رمى الشبكة ليصطاد السّماك.
 ' Translation: He threw the net to catch fish         

2 - Question - لماذا ركب الحافلة؟
 '? Translation: Why did he ride the bus

Answer -  ركب الحافلة ليذهب إلى المدرسة.
 '. Translation: He rode the bus to go to the school        

3 - Question - لماذا ذهب إلى المخبز؟
 '? Translation: Why did he go to the bakery

Answer - ذهب إلى المخبز ليشتري الخبز.
. Translation: He went to the bakery to buy bread.  

4 - Question - لماذا ذهب إلى المكتبة؟
 '? Translation: Why did he go to the library.

Answer - ذهب إلى المكتبة ليقراء الكتاب.
 '. Translation: He went to the library to read the book        

5 - Question - لماذا ذهب إلى الملعب ؟
 '? Translation: Why did he go to the stadium

Answer - ذهب إلى الملعب ليشاهد المباراة .
. Translation: He went to the stadium to see the match.

6 - Question - لماذا ذهب إلى الحديقة الحيوان؟
 '? Translation: Why did  he go to the zoo.

Answer - ذهب إلى الحديقة الحيوان ليشاهد الحيوان .
 '. Translation: He went to the zoo to see the animals        

Exercise 6 - Make Sentences
كوّن جملاً المناسبةً  :( Translation: Form appropriate sentences)
1 - سأُعطيك  ذهباً ونقودًا.   
'Translation: I'll give you gold and money

 2 - سأُعطيك كرة ومضربا
 ' Translation: I'll give ball and racket

3 - سأُعطيك كتابا وقلما.
 ' Translation: I'll give you a book and a pen  

4 - سأُعطيك مظلة و نظارة .
 ' Translation: I'll give you umbrella and glasses

5 - سأُعطيك خبزا وشطيرة .
 ' Translation: I'll give you bread and sandwich

6 - سأُعطيك عصيرا و فاكهة.
 ' Translation: I'll give you the juice and fruits

  1. Exercise 7
  2. Exercise 8

Please Submit Your Request Here


sir,can u send excersice 3.story of alddin.its my request.send me as soon as possible

sir,can u send excersice 3.story of alddin.its my request.send me as soon as possible

plzz sir can u send all 8 paragragh of aluddin story of lesson 21 excersice 3 tomorrow.its my request to u.thnk u soo much for sending.monday my daughter is having test.plzz send as soon as possible

thank u soo much.im very happy.god bless u.just send all pargraph of the story.thank u thank u thank u

sir can u send paragraph 6 to 8 of lesson 21 excersice 3 of aladin story..thank u so much

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