Chapter 20
I love Spring Season
- Uhibbu Ar- Rabeei
Exercise 1
1)المطر كثير في هذه المدينة.
Al-mathar Kaseerun fee haazihil Madeenah.
There is a lot of rain in this City.
2) الأسرة تجلس في غرفة الجلوس.
Al-usrathu tajlisu fee gurfatil juloos.
The family is sitting in the sitting room.
3 a ) هي لا تذهب إلى الحديقة.
Hiya laa Tazhabu ilaa al-hadeeqah.
It (the family) is not going to the garden.
3 b ) ماذا نفعل ياأمي?
Mazaa nafál yaa-ummee?
What can we do mother?
3 c ) نشاهد التلفزيون.
Nushaahidu at-talifiziyoon.
We can watch television.
4) يدخل الأب الغرفة.
Yadkhulu al-abu al-ghurfah.
The father is entering the room.
5 a )هو يحمل مظلة.
Huwa yahmilu muzillah.
He is carrying an umbrella.
5 b ) الماء كثير في الشارع.
Al-maa Kaseerun fee ash-shaariy.
There is lot of water on the road.
6) تحضر ليلى الشاي.
Tahduru Laila ash-shaaiy.
Laila is offering tea.
7 a ) يشرب الأب الشاي.
Yashrabu al-abu ash-shaaiy.
The father is drinking the tea.
7 b ) سنذهب غدا إلى الحديقة .
Sanazhabu ghadan ilal-hadeeqah.
We shall go to the garden tomorrow.
7 c ) إن شاء الله .
Insha Allah.
God Willing.
Exercise 2
New Words:
1) معطف
2) سماء
3) سحاب
4) خريف
5) شتاء
6) صيف
8) الكتاب خارج الحقيبة
Al-kitaab khaarij al-haqeebah
The book is outside the bag.
9) هذا تفّاح كثير
Haazaa Tuffah kaseerah.
These are many apples.
10) هذا تفّاح قليل
Haazaa Tuffah qaleel.
These are few apples.
11) توقفت السّيّارة في وسط الشّارع
Tawaqqafath As-sayyaarah fee wasath ash-shaariy.
The car stopped in the middle of the road.
Exercise 3
Picture 1:
توقّف المطر الآن.
Tawaqqafu al-mathar al-aan.
The rain has stopped now.
هيّا نذهب إلى الملعب.
Hayyan -nazhabu ilaa al-maláb.
Come let's go to the stadium.
سألبس معطفي
Saalbisu mithafee.
I shall wear my coat
أحضر معك المظلّة .
Ahdar mark almuzillah.
Bring with you the coat.
Picture 2:
الجوُّ جميل خارج البيت
Al-jaww Jameel khaarij al-bait.
The weather is lovely outside the house.
في السماء سحاب قليل
Fis samaa sahaab qaleel.
There are less clouds in the sky.
أنا أحبُّ فصل الخريف
Anaa ohibbu fasl al-khareef.
I love the Autumn season.
هو يحبُّ الصّيف
Huwa yuhibbu as-saif
He loves summer.
Picture 3:
أنا لا أحبُّ الصَّيف.أنا أحبُّ الشِّتاء.
Anaa laa ohibbu as-saif.Anaa ohibbu ash-shitaa.
I do not like summer. I love winter.
الصَّيف حارٌّ و الشِّتاء باردٌ .
As-saif Haarrun wa ash-shitaa baaridun.
Summer is hot and winter is cold.
أنا أحبُّ الربيع.
Anaa oohibbu ar-rabeei.
I love the spring season.
Picture 4:
الجوُّ معتدل في الربيع.
Al-jaww muthadilun fee ar-rabeei.
The weather is moderate in spring.
المطر ينزل الآن
Al-mathar yanzilu al-aan.
Rain is coming down now.
اُدخلوا تحت المِظلّة
Udkhuloo tahta al-mizillah.
(all) enter under the umbrella.
هيّا نرجع إلى البيت بسرعة.
Hayyan narju ilaa al-bait bi-sur-ah
Come on let us go to the house quickly.
Exercise 4
New method - how to address a masculine person, a feminine person and a masculine group:
أحضر معكَ المظلّة
Ahdara maáka al-muzillah.
Bring the umbrella with you (addressed to a masculine person).
أحضري معكِ الحقيبة
Ahdaree maáki al-haqeebah.
Bring the bag with you(addressed to a feminine person).
أحضروا معكم كرّة القدم.
Ahdaroo maákum Kurrah al-qadam.
Bring the foot ball with you ( addressed to a masculine group ).
أحضر معكَ الدّواء
Ahdara maáka ad-dawaa.
Bring the medicine with you (addressed to a masculine person) .
أحضري معكِ آلة التصوير
Ahdaree maáki aalath ath-thasweer.
Bring the camera with you(addressed to a feminine person).
أحضروا معكم كرّة السلّة.
Ahdaroo maákum Kurrah as-sallah.
Bring the basket ball with you ( addressed to a masculine group ).
أحضر معكَ الجريدة.
Ahdara maáka al-jareedah.
Bring the magazine with you (addressed to a masculine person).
أحضري معكِ الشّاي
Ahdaree maáki ash-shaaiy.
Bring the tea with you(addressed to a feminine person).
أحضروا معكم كرّة القدم.
Ahdaroo maákum Kurrah al-qadam.
Bring the foot ball with you ( addressed to a masculine group ).
Exercise 7
Paragraph 1:
هذا فصل الربيع.
Haazaa Fasl ar-rabeei.
This is spring season.
الجوّ معتدل الآن.
Al-jaww mútadilun al-aan.
The weather is moderate now.
الحديقة جميلة في هذا الفصل.
Al-hadeeqatun jameelatun fee Haazaa al-Fasl.
The garden is beautiful in this season.
Paragraph 2:
ندى ذاهبة إلى بيت جدِّها.
Nadaa Zaahibathun ilaa baithi jaddihaa.
Nadaa went to the house of her grandfather.
هي تلبس ملابس خفيفة .
Hiya thalbisu malaabisun khafeefathun.
She is wearing light clothes.
بيت الجد في الجبال.
Baith Al-Jaddah fil jibaal.
Grandfather's house is in the mountains.
Paragraph 3:
هذا فصل الشتاء.
Haazaa fasl ash-shitaa.
This is winter season.
الجوُّ بارد الآن.
Al-jaww baaridun al-aan.
The weather is cold now.
تلبسل ندى ملابس ثقيلة
Talbisu Nadaa malaabisun tsaqeelatun.
Nadaa is wearing heavy clothes.
Paragraph 4:
تجلس ندى مع جدِّها في الغرفة.
Tajlisu Nadaa má jaddihaa fill Gurfah.
Nadaa is sitting with her grandfather in the room.
يصنع الجدُّ شايًا حارًا.
Yasnau Al-Jaddu shaai-an haarr-an.
The grandfather is making hot tea.
تشرب ندى الشَّاي مع الجدِّ.
Tashrabu Nadaa ash-shaaiy maá jaddihaa
Nadaa is drinking tea with her grandfather.
Paragraph 5:
هذا فصل الصيف .
Haazaa fasl as-saif.
This is summer season.
ندى تحمل مظلّة زرقاء.
Nadaa Tahmilu mizillah zarqaa'.
Nadaa is carrying a blue umbrella.
الجوّ حارٌ الآن.
Al-jaww Haarrun al-aan.
The weather is hot now.
Paragraph 6:
ندى تزور بيت الجد.
Nadaa thazooru Baith al-jadd.
Nadaa is visiting her grandfather's house.
يجلس الجدُّ مع ندى في الحديقة .
Yajlisu al-jadd Ma Nadaa fil Hadeeqah.
The grandfather is sitting with Nadaa in the garden.
هها تحت شجرةٍ كبيرةٍ.
Huma tahta shajarathin Kabeerathin.
Both of them are under a huge tree.
Paragraph 7:
هذا فصل الخريف.
Haazaa fasl al-khareef.
This is the Autumn season.
ينزل المطر على الجبال.
Nazala al-mathar Alaa al-jibaal.
Rain is coming down on the mountains.
الماء كثير على الأرض.
Al-maau Kaseerun Alaa al-Ardh.
There is lot of water on the Floor.
Paragraph 8:
يركب الجدُّ سيّارته.
Yarkabu Al-Jaddu sayyaarathahu.
The grandfather is driving his car.
هو ذاهب ليزور ندى.
Hu zaahiba liyazoora Nadaa.
He is going to visit Nadaa.
يحمل الجدّ معه لعبة و حلوى
Yahmilu Al-Jaddu maáhu Lu than,wa Halwaa.
The grandfather is carrying with him a doll and sweets.
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Chapter 20 - I love Spring Season - Uhibbu Ar- Rabeei please update this lesson and its exercises. Nothing is there about this lesson. Please help
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