11 April 2015

Chapter 9 - Come Let us Race - Taalu Li Natasaabiqu


Chapter 9 - Come, let us race - Taalu, 

Li natasaabiqu

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Exercise 1

Ar.Tx.Bk.2 Chapter 9 Page 54:

Come let us race.

Translation of text:

1. Introduction( Getting ready):

1) Nadir needs a bicycle.
2) He is going to the market.
3) He is in the bicycles shop.
4) This is a red bicycle.
5) That is a green bicycle.
6) Nadir likes the red bicycle.
7) He buys the red bicycle.

Transliteration of Arabic text:
1.  Tahiyah - Introduction( Getting ready):

1) Nadir Yureedu Darrajah - Nadir needs a bicycle.
2) Huwa yazhabu ilas-sooq.- He is going to the market.
3) Nadir fee dukkaan ad-darraajaath.- He is in the bicycles shop.
4) Hazihi Darrajathun Hamraa.-This is a red bicycle.
5) Thilka Darrajathun khadraa. That is a green bicycle.
6) Nadirun Yuhibbu Darrajathun Hamraa.-Nadir likes the red bicycle.
7) Huwa Yashtaree Darrajathul Hamraa.-He buys the red bicycle.

Exercise 2

New words:

Numbers 90 and 100:

90 - تسعون - Tisoon - Ninety

100 - مائة - Me - ah - One hundred.

1) جديد - Jadeed - New

2) قديم - Qadeem - Old

3) القطار سريع - Al-qitaar Sareeun - The train is fast.

4) الطائرة أسرع من القطار. 
- At-taairah Asraá min al-qitaar.
The plane is faster than the train.

5) يتسابقون  الأولاد  في الملعب.
-Yathasaabiqoona Al-awlaadu fil malab.
- The boys are racing in the playground

6) بدأ  الدرس.
- Bada-ad darsu
- The lesson has started.

7) انتهى الدرس.
- Inthhaa ad-darsu
- The lesson has ended

8) الأول ، الثاني ، الثالث ، الرابع.
- Al-awwalu, as-saani, as-saalisu, ar-raabiu-The first, the second, the third, the fourth.

Exercise 4

درّاجتي سريعة .
Darraajati sareeah.
My bicycle is fast.

درّاجتي أسرع من درّاجتك .
Darraajati asraá min Darraajatik
My bicycle is faster than yours.

لعبي كثيرة .
Luabee Kaseerun.
My toys are many.

لعبي أكثر من لعبك .
Luabee aksaru min lubik.
My toys are many more than yours.

كلبي صغير .
Kalbee sagheer.
My dog is small.

كلبي أصغر من كلبك .
Kalbee asgharu min kalbika.
My dog is smaller than yours.

حصاني كبير .
Hisaanee kabeer.
My horse is big.

حصاني أكبر من حصانك .
Hisaanee akbaru min Hisaanika.
حقيبتي جميلة .
Haqeebati jameelah.
My bag is beautiful.

حقيبتي أجميل من حقيبتك .
Haqeebati ajmalu min haqeebatik.
My bag is more beautiful than yours.

بيتي بعيد.
Baitee baeedun.
My house is far.

بيتي أبعد من بيتك .
Baitee abadu min baitik
My house is farther than yours.

Exercise 6

Listen and make out the difference between ( س ) and ( ث ):
If the given word depends on the sound of ( س )  then write ( س ) in the given box.

If the given word depends on the sound of ( ث )  then write ( ث ) in the given box.

Picture 1:

Alphabet - س

Arabic word: مسجد

Read as: Masjid

Meaning: Mosque

Picture 2:

Alphabet - ث

Arabic word: مثلث

Read As: Musallas

Meaning: Triangle

Picture 3:

Alphabet - ث

Arabic word: ثلاث

Read As: Salaasa

Meaning: Three

Picture 4:

Alphabet - ث

Arabic word: ثلّاجة

Read As: Sallajah

Meaning: Refrigerator

Picture 5:

Alphabet - س

Arabic word: يستمع

Read As: Yasthamiu

Meaning: Listening

Picture 6:

Alphabet - س

Arabic word: سجّادة

Read As: Sajjadah

Meaning: Mat

Exercise 7

Arabic text book 2 chapter 9 Exercise 9

Exercise 8

Listen and make out the difference between ( س ) and ( ث ):

Picture 1:

Alphabet - س

Arabic word: سلّة

Read As: Sallah

Meaning: Basket

Picture 2:

Alphabet - س

Arabic word: درس

Read As: Dars

Meaning: Lesson

Picture 3:

Alphabet - ث

Arabic word: ثمانية

Read As: Samaaniah

Meaning: Eight

Picture 4:

Alphabet - ث

Arabic word: اثنان

Read As: Isnaan

Meaning: Two

Picture 5:

Alphabet - س

Arabic word: يتسابق

Read As: Yathsaabiqu

Meaning: Race

Picture 6:

Alphabet - ث

Arabic word: ثعبان

Read As: Subaan

Meaning: Snake

Exercise 9

Look at the picture and arrange the words to form a meaningful senten


يتسابق - الأولاد - في - الملعب

Yatha saabiqu Al-awlaadu fil maláb.

The boys are racing in the playground.

يركب - أحمد - درّاجة - سريعة

Yarkabu Ahmadu darraajah sareeah

Ahmad rode the fast cycle. 

تشتري - هدى - درّاجة - جديدة

Tashtaree Hudaa darraajah jadeedathan

Huda purchased a new cycle.

يركب - الرجل - سيّارة - حمراء

Yarkabu ar-rajulu sayyarah hamraa

The Man rode the red car. 

Exercise 10

Use the picture to fill the blanks:


يركب أحمد الفيل هو الثالث

Yarkabu Ahmadu Al-Feel huwa as-saalsu.

Ahmad is riding an elephant, he is third.


يركب بدر الحمار هو الرابع

Yarkabu Badr Al-himaar huwa ar-raabiu.

Badr is riding a donkey, he is fourth.


يركب بشير الحصان هو الثاني

Yarkabu Basheer Al-Hisaan huwa as-saaniy.

Basheer is riding a horse, he is second.


يركب أمين الجمل هو الأول

Yarkabu Ameen Al-jamal huwa al-awwal.

Ameen is riding a camel, he is first.

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